Bochum focuses on medical biotechnology. First-class research and innovative companies form the foundation for developing new therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.
Cutting-edge technology for innovative processes and products
Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) has numerous interdisciplinary scientific institutes that are active in biotechnological research. The focus lies on protein diagnostics/proteome research, antibiotics research, anti-infectives, and neuroscience. The research structure of the RUB is divided into various research departments, with the "Protein Research Department" and the "Neuroscience Department" mainly dealing with biotechnological issues.
In 2019, the research building "ProDi - Centre for Protein Diagnostics" opened on the Bochum Health Campus. A large number of biotechnological activities are bundled here.
The Bio-Medicine Centre Bochum is available to start-ups and young biotech companies directly on the university campus. The laboratory building consists of 5 floors and is designed to meet the needs of the companies. Companies from various fields of the life sciences (including cell therapy, implants, biodiagnostics, medical technology) have already settled there.
In additional to other bio-centres in the region, Bochum is integrated into the regional network of BioIndustry e.V. Under this umbrella, the various topics relevant to young biotech companies are promoted at regional level. Thus, as a strong innovation location for biotechnology, Bochum is involved in regional as well as also supra-regional activities of the growing biotech industry.